by Jared | Feb 19, 2008 | Innovative Projects
PlayPumps International’s mission is help improve the lives of children and their families by providing easy access to clean drinking water, enhancing public health, and offering play equipment to millions across Africa. Check out there video below and this map of...
by Jared | Jan 30, 2008 | Innovative Projects
The ZENN is a Canadian made Neighborhood Electric Vehicle being sold in the United States. On average it costs one to two cents a mile to drive the ZENN, it has a driving range of approximately 35 miles on a single charge and with a top speed of 25mph (40km/h).....
by Jared | Jan 18, 2008 | Innovative Projects
This is an amazing creation, where it not only transports and stores water, but also filters it! I hope someone or some company starts donating these to country’s in need.. Video Link:
by Jared | Jan 17, 2008 | Innovative Projects
Ever wanted to play a game where the better you do the more you donate to charity!?! Well now you can with! Test yourself on your vocabulary and for each question you get right, 20 grains of rice get donated. This is a is an amazing idea of how we can...
by Jared | Jan 7, 2008 | Innovative Projects
10 years ago a French Formula One expert had an idea of an air powered engine, now with the help from an Indian car manufacturer the car is coming into production! Article Link: This video shows the air powered car and also another air powered engine...
by Jared | Nov 27, 2007 | Innovative Projects
The company produces its PowerSheet solar cells with printing-press-style machines that set down a layer of solar-absorbing nano-ink onto metal sheets as thin as aluminum foil, so the panels can be made for about a tenth of what current panels cost and at a rate of...