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The mission of the X PRIZE Foundation is to bring about radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity. The Foundation fosters innovative, high-profile competitions that motivate individuals across all boundaries to solve grand challenges. The prizes are worth...

Hippo Rollers…

Hippo Rollers are a water transportation device, the roller holds 3-4 days worth of water for a family of 7, about 5 times the amount of water that can be moved using traditional methods, which frees up time for more productive economic and educational activities....

DIY: Electric Vehicle…

Here in New Zealand a man called Gav has built himself a working electric car. Even better he has documented his whole process and has made it available so others can learn! Gav’s EV reaches about 130km/h and can travel for about 35km, check out the interview...

SkySails: The Future of Shipping…

By using the SkySails-System, a ship‘s fuel costs can be reduced by 10- 35% on annual average, depending on wind conditions. Under optimal wind conditions, fuel consumption can temporarily be reduced by up to 50%. The first pilot systems are in operation on board of...

Potenco’s Pull-Cord Generator…

Potenco’s Pull-Cord Generator keeps portable electronic devices working all the time while providing freedom and independence from traditional power sources.Simply hold the PCG in the palm of one hand, pull the cord with the other hand, and generate instant energy.....

GATR: Ground Antenna Transmit and Receive…

The GATR-Com is the brainchild of engineer Paul Gierow, who spent 20 years developing large deployable space antennas for NASA. It’s an ultralight, ultraportable antenna tucked inside an inflatable shell that can pull down a superfast broadband satellite...